Voorhees, NJ Back to "Voorhees, NJ" Home Bookings & Subscriptions Options to Climb Pricing Calendar Contact Photos Careers Waivers Facility Photos Virtual Tour Coming Soon, but in the mean time check out these photos and get psyched! Crushing Climbers Just a few inspirational photos to get you pumped to come crush the problems at GV Voorhees! Grand Opening Photos Thank you to everyone who took part in our grand opening, you're greatly appreciated! Grand Opening Photo Album Two Thank you once again for being apart of The Gravity Vault Grand Opening! USAC Comp November 10th, 2018
Facility Photos Virtual Tour Coming Soon, but in the mean time check out these photos and get psyched!
Crushing Climbers Just a few inspirational photos to get you pumped to come crush the problems at GV Voorhees!
Grand Opening Photos Thank you to everyone who took part in our grand opening, you're greatly appreciated!
Grand Opening Photo Album Two Thank you once again for being apart of The Gravity Vault Grand Opening!