Poughkeepsie, NY

August 2023 - Special Events

Saturday, August 19, 2023
9:00am ~ 11:00pm
Poughkeepsie, NY


Join us for Global Climbing Day! A day dedicated to breaking down barriers within the sport of climbing and celebrate our beautiful community!  Global Climbing Day was started by The North Face and celebrated all around the world.  Gyms and outdoor climbing spaces join together and offer discounted day passes, climbing education opportunities, and community events to bring people together and create an opening and welcome spaces for both new climbers and experienced climbers!

Join us for...

  • $14 Day Passes (9:00am-11:00pm)
  • Free Belay Class
    • Learn to belay on our top rope walls.  In this class you will learn how to tie a figure-8 knot, how to belay with a gri-gri, how to run safety checks for belaying, and become confident while top-rope belaying indoors! 
    • Advanced registration required (845) 462-1920
      • 1:00pm-3:00pm 
      • 4:00pm-6:00pm
  • BOGO Lead Class
    • Learn to lead climb and belay while indoor sport climbing.
    • Advance registration required (845) 462-1920
      • 4:00pm-6:30pm
    • BOGO $80 for non-members BOGO $70 for members

  • Followed by After Hours Climbing and Community Event (8:00pm-11:00pm)
    • Food
    • Lawn Games
    • BYOBoard Games 
    • Lot's of Climbing!